JennHarmon191's dishfolio
I am a Southern girl born in raised in good ol’ Charleston, SC. I graduated from the University of South Carolina with a BA in Business Administration and Marketing. Go Gamecocks! I currently reside in Columbia, SC with my fiancé-Kenny, my sweet baby 5 year
Last Posted Recipe: Feb 22, 2015

Coconut Cranberry Energy Bites
These healthy energy bites are packed with protein and are ready to go with you anywhere! They are loaded with whole grains, dried fruit, sticky peanut butter, then rolled around in shredded coconut.
by JennHarmon191
Jenn's Trail Mix Oatmeal
This particular oatmeal is called my Trail Mix oatmeal because I top it with nuts, chocolate, and fruit. It has an earthy taste from the steel cut oats yet also a sinful flavor from the sweet chocolate chips and juicy blackberries. It is both sweet and crunchy without having a dessert feel.
by JennHarmon191Butterfly Food....Sordove
This is a quick and easy fruit salad that will heighten your senses and hydrate you while pumping Vitamin C and antioxidants into your body!
by JennHarmon191all-check