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December 6: Experience Nordic Variety for Finnish Independence Day!

Warm up with Finnish cuisine on their independence day! Finland became independent from Russia on December 6, 1917 when the new senate finally drafted a declaration of independence. The separation happened as Russia suffered World War I and multiple revolutions, and Finland found its way out.

While celebrated solemnly with patriotic speeches in Finland, you can take this opportunity to explore the multiple dynamics of Finnish cuisine. It is most notable for combining traditional country recipes with contemporary cooking. Fish and meat are predominant along with grain products, like rye, barley, and oats. Berries are also popular leaving many fascinating combinations enjoyed by Dishfolio food photographers and bloggers alike. Make a filling Karelian pasty, which contains rice, meat, and vegetables. Or try one of the berry or cinnamon based desserts. These recipes offer many options for even the pickiest family members. Enjoy one today!

Finnish Summer Soup with Kale

This soup can be vegetarian or not, and is a lovely way to use spring veggies from your CSA farm share box


Finnish Aunt Hanna's Cookies

Finnish Aunt Hanna's Cookies


Finnish pulla

Sweet, soft Finnish pulla. Perfect for the holidays.


Finnish Pancake

Fun and easy pancake that puffs in the middle and then collapses so that you can fill it with berries. Yummy!!


Mini Cardamom Cream Cakes

Top these Finnish “kardemummakakku" with fruit and serve for Easter dessert!


Finnish Pancakes - Pannukakku

Traditional Finnish Pancake is a tasty way to start your day!


Finnish chocolate buns

Finnish pulla with dark chocolate drops and cardamom (recipe in Spanish and English)



Finnish flat bread made with mashed potatoes leftovers (recipe in Spanish and English)


Finnish Lingonberry Cake

Finnish Lingonberry Cake or “Puolukkakakku.” The tart berry jam along with sour cream makes the dessert moist and flavorful.


Bostonkakku (Boston cake)

Traditional Finnish Bostonkakku (Boston cake) and korvapuusti (cinnamon rolls). Recipes in Spanish and English.


Finnish dessert

Typical Finnish products - bread cheese and cloudberries marry beautifully in this simple dessert


Rye Berry Salad with Mushrooms and Herbs

This rye berry salad with dill, mushrooms, blueberries, goat cheese, and walnuts celebrates the whole grains and fresh ingredients so common in Nordic cuisine.


Nordic Blueberry Tart with Rye

Celebrate summer with a Nordic touch with this easy blueberry tart with rye.
