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Food Blogger Interview: Marjory Pilley of The Dinner-Mom

MarjoryPilley-The Dinner-Mom-portraitIt's time for another interview with one of our amazing Dishfolio food bloggers! We're excited to have Marjory Pilley of The Dinner-Mom sit on our interview chair and share her nuggets of food blogging wisdom with us. The mommy and former meal assembly store-owner's blog features healthy and delicious recipes that even the pickiest eaters will enjoy!

Tell us about your food blogging goals: What are they? How are you accomplishing them?

I hope to create a large archive of recipes that make dinner fun and enjoyable for everyone. The recipes are mostly healthy and easy. I follow a balanced approach and occasional treats are definitely permitted! You'll find step-by-step instructions and pictures for many recipes that answer all the nagging questions one has when making a recipe for the first time.

What's your go-to literary tool and how does it make your food blog successful?

My most inspired writing occurs when I am doing something totally unrelated to cooking…taking a walk, playing at the beach and usually when my computer is out of site. If I'm stuck, I take a walk. My readers seem to be most engaged when I relate a good recipe to common struggles and joyful times in the kitchen.

What ethical food issues get you talking with your friends and family?

I have a daughter that is allergic to peanut, soy, egg and milk. Food allergies, the causes behind them, how to deal with them…and, of course, allergy-friendly recipes are MarjoryPilley-The Dinner-Mom-logocommon themes when I talk about ethical food issues.

What's the best food photography tip you've learned in the past year?

As a fairly new blogger, there has been a big learning curve in the area of photography. My best tip: learn how to use editing software and never give up!

MarjoryPilley-The Dinner-Mom-foodIf you had to choose a kitchen tool you couldn't live without, what would it be and why?

Other than the basics, like a good knife, I'd have to say my favorite is a hand-held blender. I love soup and this makes the job of pureeing so easy…and no mess!

What's next? How will you make yours the best food blog in town?

I'm working on some ebooks for mini make-ahead and freeze meal sessions. These books take all the work out of the planning process and include grocery lists, labels and detailed instructions. There's a free download for Gourmet Favorites on The Dinner-Mom site for email subscribers.

What keywords or cooking types would you like to be best known for?

I'll never run out of "make ahead" and "freezer-friendly" dinner recipes. But, I'd like readers to enjoy a lot of "simple sides" and "quick and easy" recipes too.

Zucchini Bruschetta

You won't miss the bread in zucchini bruschetta! Tomatoes, basil, garlic, balsamic vinegar and a sprinkle of cheese sits atop the roasted zucchini.


Meatloaf Muffins

Cheesy meatloaf muffins with spinach, pine nuts and mashed potato frosting.
