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Food Blogger Interview: Summer of Mallow and Co

Summer-MallowandCo-facebook profile picLearn from our Dishfolio food bloggers to perfect your food photography and blogging skills. Summer of Mallow and Co is a great example of the wonderful food bloggers in our community. She's inspired to create all Rice Krispy Treats all the time. Find out how she keeps this highly-focused topic interesting and fun for her readers!

Tell us about your food blogging goals.

My goals are to really show people how awesome and versatile rice krispy treats are! I feel like rice krispy treats are an underrated dessert/snack option and I want to bring out all of the ways they can be mixed up!

Of innovative cooking ingredients you've tried, which was the hardest to find or use?

So far, Doritos! It's tricky trying to make a rice krispy treat savory.

What's your go-to literary tool and how does it make your food blog successful?

I guess humor/satire. Although most of my posts are about everyday things so I guess I'm saying my life is one big joke.

What ethical food issues get you talking with your friends and family?

There's not enough sugar in this world.

Describe your all-time favorite recipe.

Summer-MallowandCo-facebook headerRight now probably my Oreo Rice Krispy treats. It's pretty much jammed packed with everything good in this world!

What's the best food photography tip you've learned in the past year?

Just keep snapping pictures. There are times when I think a picture is going to turn out looking dorky, and lots of times it does. But every once in a while I get a great shot from something I initially didn't plan.

If you had to choose a kitchen tool you couldn't live without, what would it be and why?

My KitchenAid. It doesn't really assist me with my rice krispy treats but I love if for making bread, cookies, etc. Plus it looks pretty sitting on my counter.

Nanaimo Bar Rice Krispy Treats

Nanaimo Bar Rice Krispy Treats - crispy, creamy, chocolatey amazingness!


Carrot Cake Rice Krispy Treats

Carrot Cake Rice Krispy Treats - Just in time for Easter!
