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June 27: Enjoy Tapioca Recipes on National Tapioca Day!

Many people don't realize that tapioca is native to South America, and Brazil in particular. However, there are different interpretations of this food worldwide. In the U.K., it refers to a dessert, while using the term "tapioca" in India directly refers to the roots of the cassava plant. Tapioca has enjoyed a revival in recent years as part of the Japanese craze bubble tea, which involves chewy tapioca balls being infused with iced tea.

There are plenty of ways to utilize tapioca in cooking. You might use it as a toast topping, or as a way to cater to bread lovers with gluten intolerance. This is due to how tapioca can be used as an alternative to flour. If you're heading to Asia, expect tapioca to make a regular appearance in snack foods.

If you want to make fun and easy desserts or if you have an excess of bubble tea supplies, tapioca is the way to go! Check out online food recipes from today's Dishfolio picks for tapioca recipes you can try at home!

Carrot & Tapioca Pudding

A rich and delicious indian dessert, usually taken after a heavy meal to ease digestion


Tapioca in coconut cream

(Recipe in Hungarian, in English on the comments)


Tapioca & Mangoes with Almond Milk

Tapioca & Mangoes with Almond Milk. Very refreshing dessert for the hot summer days.


Quinoa Pudding

Quinoa Pudding is a nutty, healthy twist on the traditional tapioca pudding. Top with your favorite fruit!


Coconut tapioca with raspberries

Coconut tapioca scented with flavours of cardamom and vanilla and topped with raspberries and almonds. Simply delicious!
