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April 12: Licorice Day – Inspiration for Incorporating Licorice in Your Next Recipe

Today is licorice day and you don't need to pick your favorite, you can have them all. Grape licorice, red licorice or chocolate licorice, the choise is yours!

Our Dishfolio food bloggers have a few licorice-inspired treats, including some that use that licorice-flavoured fennel for an added kick to a dessert creation. So check out these quick and easy recipes to help you out! These colorful sweets make a pretty picture as well, so why not try some culinary photography while you're at it?

The Audrey Cupcake

A licorice buttercream and browned butter cupcake tribute to Audrey Hepburn


Harry Potter Treats

Harry Potter treats for the release of the new movie--acid pops, licorice wands, chocolate frogs, and cockroach clusters!


Fennel and Apple Galette

Fennel pairs wonderfully with the spiced apples found in this fennel and apple galette.


Chocolate Dipped Fennel Biscotti

Super easy and delicious fennel seed biscotti. Plus and easy method for dipping chocolate.


candy coated fennel

candy coated fennel is a more refreshing alternative to the typical mint
