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libbylouer's dishfolio

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Member Since: Jan 24, 2015

Last Posted Recipe: Mar 19, 2015

Summer Pasta Salad with Cucumber, Tomato,

This Pasta Salad with Cucumber, Tomato, and Feta was not something I had planned on blogging about. It merely came about because I had nothing to cook for dinner, save a package of gluten-free pasta I had picked up for emergencies and a variety of veggies from my CSA. Then my husband loved it so much that he had two helpings, and he insisted that I write about it. I’m trying to move my family towards a more grain-free existence, but sometimes I just don’t have it in me to think gourmet. Sometimes, we do the best that we can. All this is my way of saying that the amounts of ingredients here are really just approximations. I have no idea what exactly I put in here to make it taste so yummy. You’ll have to channel your inner Italian grandma, and just mix in ingredients until the food tastes good.


Cranberry Orange Coconut Flour Bread

I have always loved math. In school I excelled, and it wasn’t because I’m impulsive or competitive. In the face of competition I wither and shrink away, hoping no one will notice my absence. My math skills certainly haven’t predicted my current income, unless the relationship between math and income is inverse. I love math because its clean. It’s formulaic, and it makes sense. At least, it did. I took math through college all the way up to the point where it starts to get weird. At some point calculus turns into logic. For me, logic was essentially the same as philosophy. There’s nothing worse than searching for answers to questions that have no answer. Stop wasting my time. Since dropping that woo-woo math in 2009, the only use I’ve had for math is balancing my checkbook, which could more accurately be described as Finding Money Where There is None. Instead I became a social worker, which sounds like a great career for peace-loving hippies, but is actually not so great for introverts and people who dislike conflict. It’s not all puppies and roses out there people.

