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Cocinando con Manu CatMan

Cocinando con Manu CatMan's dishfolio

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a cat in the kitchen

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Member Since: Oct 27, 2011

Last Posted Recipe: Dec 19, 2012

Simnel Cake

This special cake for Easter... marzipan and a fruit sponge cake... just try it... (in Spanish with translator on sidebar)


Pumpkin Gnocchi & Cheese dressing

a new way to preparing pumpkin, enjoy this sweet bite with a soft cheese dressing


Guinness Cake

Delicious wet chocolate sponge cake including guinness in dough with a delicious frosting made with mascarpone cheese very creamy and soft. Celebrate with us St. Patrick´s day


Super Sandwich Spanish day

French baguette, lettuce, tomato, cheese, ham and bacon... just enjoy!


French Baguettes [how to make bread at hom

Make french baguettes at home is easy.. just follow ou step by step recipe... (in Spanish with translator on saidebar)


Frozen chocolate truffles and jelly

Frozen chocolate truffles and olive oil with salt, apple sticks and red pepper jelly, raspberry, apple cider vinegar



A spicy and sweet braided Greek bread for Easter... try it and enjoy braiding your bread. (In Spanish with trasnlator on sidebar)


SpanishNougat cream with Salmon & Musrooms

A different way to eat Spanish Nougat at Crhistmas (in Spanish with translator on side bar)


Caramel fudge

Typical & deliociopus caramel fudge (in Spanish with trasnlator on side bar)


Cheese Witch´s Brooms

A simple sanck for Halloween night

