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Celebrate Russian Independence Day on August 24 with Russian Cuisine

Here at Dishfolio, we think that there's no better way to celebrate a Russian holiday than with some traditional Russian cuisine.  Russia is such a large, diverse country that it doesn't have one national dish, but many of its dishes are hundreds of years old. Shchi, or cabbage soup, has been eaten there for over 1,000 years!

Today, people all over the world enjoy Russian cuisine without even knowing it. For example, in America, Russian pancakes called Blini were popularized by Jewish immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries, and are now eaten in large quantities throughout the country.

Did you know that Russia's oldest alcoholic drink, a honey-based beverage called Medovukha, has been made and consumed throughout Russia since pagan times? If you'd like to enjoy some traditional Russian food or drink at home, look online for some quick and easy dinner ideas.

Borsch - Russian Beef and Cabbage Soup

Borsch is a Russian Soup, so delicious and comforting@


Beet Root Salad - Vinegret

Russian beet root salad - vinegret. A healthy vegetarian side dish with amazing flavor!


Chicken Stroganoff

A traditional Russian delicacy. Generally made with beef. Sour, flavoursome & creamy. Seasoned with pepper & chives.


Apple Pear with Cinnamon Stick Kompot

Kompot (Compot) is a Russian drink made of water, fruit and sugar.


Russian Braid Bread

Russian Braided Bread with Pesto Filling


Autumn Spice Honey – Medovik cake

Medovik is one of the most popular cakes in Russia. It is also known as Honey or medoviy cake.


Pumpkin Oladi – Russian Pancakes Recipe

Oladi is a variation of pancakes that we like to cook for breakfast.


Russian Tea

A little bit of history and an authentic 1904 recipe for Russian tea.


Vegetarian Borscht

Famous Russian Beet Soup


Russian Easter Bread - Kulich

Sweet and airy - this Russian Bread will make your Easter celebrations extra special!


Black Russian Cake with Homemade Kahlua

My favorite "booze cake" recipe -- now totally from scratch (no cake mix!)


Baked Millet Bars

These simple, rustic-looking Baked Millet Bars are inspired by traditional Russian cooking. Millet is rich in vitamins, protein, and it's gluten-free!


Russian Plushki

Sweet Russian buns - amazing addition to your tea


Farmers Cheese Triangles

These traditional Russian cookies are crispy outside and soft and juicy inside.


Dried Fruit Kompot

Dried fruit Kompot is a traditional Russian non alcoholic beverage


Khrushchev Dough Swirls

Take a batch of rich, easy to make russian dough. Make some different shapes with it. It's good to get creative with your bread.
